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Stress and strain treatment

Stress and strain treatment

Today, the lifestyle of modern man has led to many health hazards. The stress and strain of day-to-day life is a major factor for many chronic diseases. Lack of exercise, polluted environment and climatically unsuitable menu further drains away energy. 
We offer health rejuvenation program that drive away all physical suffering, control several dreaded disabilities, ward off the middle age syndrome, retard the aging process and provide unlimited curative powers for body and mind by repairing the worn out tissues, revitalizing the body, increasing memory power, improving vigor and vitality and make oneself physically and mentally fit. 
Special Ayurvedic therapeutic massages with formulated herbal oils according to patient’s body constitution followed by steam bath, Shirodhara, Nasyam and other treatments are very effective in removing stress and strain and also enables one to lead a fatigue free life. 

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